Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ran out of pills this morning

Father's Day has always been a weird holiday for me. Here's a little narrative that has evolved in my mind as the years have gone by:

"Hi, here you go - it's a necktie. Yeah, I know you've only worn a tie twice ever in your life, once at Susan's wedding, and once at your wedding, and that you never had to wear one to the office because you didn't work in an office. I know you could probably buy a necktie factory for yourself, but... enjoy! Yeah, I'll never make as much money as you have, but thanks for making so many sacrifices so that I could have more opportunities than you ever had. That is a source of genuine guilt for me and the biggest indicator of your love. You have no idea how many nights I've stayed up thinking about all the time, youth, happiness, and health you've lost. Also, the tie is a symbolic gift, a sort of notice to you that I felt so constricted by you as a young girl. I wanted you to pay attention to me as a person, not just as a disappointing, A minus student. I wanted to you to, just once, tell me I looked pretty. I wanted you to take me fishing a second time, even though I frustrated you on the first and only trip by not learning as fast as you wanted me to. Ok, so Happy Father's Day! I brought chocolate croissants!"


Unknown said...

Ah. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant and gorgeous writing! It is only through awkward misery and angst that we find genius!

littleyellowpill said...

yes, there's something slightly askew with me.