Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The Maryland State Senate is cookoo for cocoapuffs. After a preliminary vote of approval yesterday, the Senate is likely, this week or next, to push back the implementation of a law banning dishwasher detergent containing phosphorus. What this means is that big companies (like Proctor & Gamble in Hunt Valley) get an extra 6 months to comply with the law, and so, phosphorus will continue to be leaked into the Chesapeake bay until July of 2010 - 7.5 tons of it. That's 7.5 tons that would not otherwise be dumped in our waters. I have no idea why these companies need over 2 years to remove this ingredient. I went to Target two days ago and bought Cascade brand phosphorus-free dishwasher detergent. Also, Trader Joe's carries its own brand. I see no reason why P&G needs any extra time.

Why is excessive phosphorus bad for the Chesapeake? It encourages excessive algae growth, which blocks out sunlight to the lower depths and reduces oxygen for blue crabs, fish, and other Bay creatures.

Meanwhile, individual freedom is being invaded. Everyone will probably have to go out and buy Bluetooth headsets so we can use our cell phones in our cars (hello, BestBuy, thanks for contributing to the campaign), and we can no longer text in our cars. Also, we won't be able to video gamble (not that I do, but now I can't even if I wanted to) at local bars anymore, because none of the revenue goes back to the government, and also, it'll probably interfere with slots revenues in the future. I almost forgot the best part - speed cameras all over the place!

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