Thursday, July 3, 2008

Freeze my head, please

I turn 35 tomorrow. I have mixed feelings about it. I wish I knew the little I know now, when I was younger. Here's a list of the things I would tell the me in my 20's:

1. Everyone will always have an opinion about what you do, wear, or say, and those opinions will never, ever be one of uniform support. So, while you may not be able to forget about what others think, at least try to enjoy everything you're doing while you're doing it.

2. You don't have to be the world's premier expert at something to continue to do it.

3. Failing does NOT mean you are a failure.

4. You do not need to lose any weight.

5. Don't give your amazing dog, Truman, away after you have children.

6. Be choosy about who you date. Don't be flattered just because some guy talks to you.

7. You are attractive and have a lot to offer. Stand tall and be proud of yourself.

8. Call your youngest sister. Remember that you love her.

9. Even if you have to beg, borrow, or steal, scrape up enough money to attend the destination wedding of your best friend from high school.

10. You are capable of making smart decisions and controlling your destiny.

11. Find a little company that goes by the name Google, Inc. in Menlo Park, California (Palo Alto, after 1999). Offer to enter data, answer phones, mop the floors, clean the bathrooms, anything in exchange for stock options.

12. You're not shallow by thinking you need money to be happy - you're smart. While money doesn't guarantee happiness, it sure makes it easier to find happiness.

13. I've sent you $7000 via a time machine that looks like your microwave. Use the cash to get a boob job. A really good one. And don't go with the double Ds.


Kathleen said...

read 13, and then go back and read 7 again.

this list is great! could you send it to my 20-something self, too? only...i want a breast reduction...ok?

i miss you.

littleyellowpill said...

i miss you too. when can you & your honey meet my honey?