Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So, a couple weeks ago, I thought it would be a good idea to volunteer for my 5th grader's field trip to Marshy Point for a "hands-on experience with nature, get ready to get wet!" (that's what the permission slip said) Now, in my 20's, that description would be supremely exciting, but now, not so much. Anyway, I did get chosen from among the throngs of excited parent volunteers. Oh boy! No, it'll be fun and I'll have done my penance for all those evenings I've been spending working on cases, instead of playing Uno.

In anticipation of the field trip, my 5th grader brought home a sheet of paper today listing the parent and his/her assigned handful of children to watch over while at Marshy Point. The paper referred to the parents by a Mr or Mrs and then their last name. So, I am Mrs. Hugh. I married myself, apparently. What happened to Ms., goddamnit? Women don't need to be married to have a child, jackasses. Hello, the 1950's called and they want their rigid, backward notion of a traditional family back, before Mrs. Cleaver has changed into a dress, chilled the gin, and put the pot roast on the table.


Kathleen said...

you should've crossed it out and changed it to ms.

that pisses me off, too. as a woman and a teacher.

littleyellowpill said...

I might say something to somebody at the school. Then I'll be labeled as the lesbian mom! Love it! ;)

Anonymous said...

for me it is even funnier-- the male physicians (and PHD's) are always "Dr.". I am. without fail, always Ms. or Mrs., despite my similarly earned MD! And now, to confuse them all, I have changed my last name to Willing. 2 weeks ago, I went to the park with my 2nd grader and her class. My group was not Dr. Willing's group, but Mrs. Boone's group. I don't even bother to correct, but it is annoying...

littleyellowpill said...

Oh, I totally would've kicked some private school administration ass. I always say something when I'm called Mrs. Lipstein - ewwww!